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User Guide

1. Introduction

2. Quick Start

3. Features

1. Introduction

Duke is a memo chat bot that you can use in your daily life. It is a Command Line tool that allow you to quickly manage all your record.

2. Quick Start

  1. Installed Java 11 or above on your local machine.

  2. Download duke-v1.0.3.jar here.

  3. Move the jar file to your destination folder.

  4. Double-click the jar file to run Duke.

    User interface

  5. Type the command and enter to execute it.

3. Features

3.1. Add a record:

There are two kinds of record: Task and Expense.

3.1.1. Add a task

There are three kinds of task: todo, event and deadline. Add a todo task: todo

todo <description>

Add a todo task with <description> to the record list.


todo read book will add a todo task with adescription "read a book" into the record list

Todo Command Add an event task: event

event <description> /at <time>

Add an event task with <description> and <time> to the record list. Seperate the description and time using " /at ". The time format need to be "dd/MM/yyyy HHmm"


event have meeting /at 02/10/2019 1600 will add an event task with adescription "have meeting" and a time "2/10/2019 1600" into the record list.

Event Command Add a deadline task: deadline

deadline <description> /by <time>

Add a deadline task with <description> and <time> to the record list. Seperate the description and deadline using " /by ". The time format need to be "dd/MM/yyyy HHmm"


deadline return book /by 02/10/2019 1600 will add a deadline task with a description "return book" and a deadline "2/10/2019 1600" into the record list

Deadline Command

3.1.2. Add an expense: expense

expense <description> / <amount>

Add an expense to the record list. Seperate the <description> and <amount> using " / ".


expense buy a book / 10 will add an expense with a description "buy a book" with an amount "10" into the record list

Expense Command

3.2. List all records: list


List all the records in the record list


List Command

3.3. Delete a record: delete

delete <index>

Delete a record with the corresponding <index> in the record list(order by added time). The <index> need to be within the bound of the record list. You might check the record index using list.


delete 1 will delete the first record in the record list.

Delete Command

3.4. Mark a task as done: done

done <index>

Mark a task with the corresponding <index> in the record list(order by added time) as done. The <index> need to be within the bound of the record list. You might check the record index using list.


done 1

Done Command

3.5. Find records by keyword: find

find <keyword>

Find the records with the description that contain <keyword>.


Find Command

3.6. Exit: bye


Exit the program. The textbox and sendbutton will be disabled, you will not be able to execute command then.


Bye Command

3.7. Save and load records

When you enter the Duke, it will automatically load the records in the data/duke.txt. Also, when you make any change to the record list, the local file will be updated.